Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 8: Voyageurs National Park

Alli: Well, we found the bugs in Minnesota: they were all in Voyaguers NP. Or, should I say they found us - Two seconds after we got out of the car we were greeted with the persistent sound of horse flies and mosquito’s zooming around our heads. The boat ride in wasn't bad though; the boat traveled fast enough to escape the swarms, giving us the chance to check out the surrounding islands and snap a few pictures. Within 20 minutes we were docking; thankfully we didn't leave any of our luggage behind this time.

After we checked in to our hotel we took a canoe out on Rainy Day Lake. Jessie and I took on the job of paddling while Dad fished. For whatever reason our kayaking skills didn't transfer over to canoeing (I blame Jessie). Over the next 2 hours we zigzagged around the lake - slowly but surly making our way over to the locations Dad wanted to test. As Dad made his casts, Jessie and I looked for any signs of wildlife. In the end we saw a deer, a bald eagle, and what seemed like a million mosquito’s and horseflies. We had to create a bug-buddy-system, something that seemed like a good idea at the time. It turned out to be a lose-lose situation, one second you'd get bitten and the next Dad would slap you in the head with his shirt "claiming" to be taking it out on the bug. All I can say is that arguing must attract a lot of bugs.

Having worn out our arms acting as Dad's water taxi, Jessie and I decided to take a break, going back to the hotel for a little bit while Dad finished up fishing. After about an hour Dad returned, and we went downstairs to have dinner. Jessie, having done a little research about the hotel told us about the famous tilting floor in the bar; so after eating we went to check it out. For once, Jessie was right! It was ridiculous how slanted the floor was - there was a pool table in the center, and when standing on the lower side I looked as if I was 3 feet tall. We played several games of cut-throat, and who would have known - Jessie has some mad pool skills! She turned out to be the bee's knees (an apparently ancient expression I used, causing the bartender to poke some fun at me). I on the other hand, had a little more trouble getting the balls to go where I wanted, at one point quietly singing the words "Not gonna mess this up" as I prepared to cue off. After a few games, a Bloody Mary for Dad, and a Snicker's bar, we decided to call it a night. Making our way back to our room we finished the night with a movie before tucking in for the night. Apparently this turned out to be harder for some, seeing as Jessie had trouble falling asleep after finding a spider crawling under her covers. Still, within no time we all began to doze off, the sound of the cool night's breeze gently rustling the trees, and thus bringing about the end of another great vacation.

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