Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 9: Voyageurs National Park

Jessie: Our last day of vacation started with Dad getting up at dawn to go fishing using the hotel paddle boat. He caught two smallmouth bass and two northern pike. He also said one other pike startled him by jumping almost two feet out of the water right next to the boat (going after his lure as he was pulling it out of the water). When he returned to the hotel we quickly collected our belongings for the last time and went to the docks for the shuttle ride back to our car. After a 20 to 25 minute boat ride with clear skies and dead calm water we returned to the Ash River Visitor Center and our car.

Then the real ride came: the 10 to 11 hour drive home. Along the way we stopped to get the oil changed in our car as we had driven about 300 miles past the recommended mileage. Alli and I walked to the Dollar Tree to shop during that time. But after that it was a straight drive home. Our happiest moment that day (besides being in our house and sleeping in our own beds) was when we pulled onto our street. We all leaned in and listened close with giddy anticipation as our GPS said: "Drive .2 miles to home." And although our vacation was over I think I speak for all of us when I say: there's no place like home.

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